MVP Sports and Fitness was created by childhood friends Eddie Klukojc and Corey Fechter. Both individuals are committed to sports, fitness, and healthy lifestyle choices and have over 10 years combined professional experience working with youth. Corey and Eddie have a long history of running successful programs and camps in Wilton, Fairfield, New Canaan, and Darien.
MVP Sports and Fitness is different from other sports and fitness service providers in that their instructors bring an energy level that exceeds its participants. Corey and Eddie bring a passion for sports that will motivate participants to put forth their best effort, which is a common focus of programs. Additionally, both instructors have a foundation in exercise science and seek to educate their participants on the importance of daily physical exercise and mental wellness. Our instructor’s commitment to exceptional programming will lead to participants emerging from a camp or program stronger, healthier, and smarter.